Our Mission
The Global Intercultural Research Center

is an interdisciplinary research unit of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs that provides support and training for global intercultural scholarship. Our mission is to provide visibility, infrastructure support services, and project development support for faculty research, teaching and outreach activities related to global intercultural scholarship, and to focus and leverage financial and human organizational resources to accomplish activities in this area, consistent with UCCS strategic objectives.
The UCCS Global Intercultural Research Center (GLINT) supports collaborative, cross-disciplinary scholarship and will:
Promote entrepreneurship by serving as an incubator for newly emerging themes related to global intercultural issues;
Provide linkages and connections (both actual and virtual) to faculty whose scholarship fundamentally integrates global intercultural perspectives;
Sponsor collaborative scholarship in a way that promotes the culture that is necessary to facilitate the highest level of global intercultural-related research, teaching, and service activities among its faculty.
Offer training/resources to assist faculty in developing research agendas, curricula, and outreach that incorporates global intercultural issues;
Encourage federal and major foundation grant funding, publication in top quality scientific journals, and well-recognized creative works.