Scholarly & Creative Works by GLINT Affiliates
Publications and Presentations from 2017 through 2021
Witkowsky, P., & Gibbes, C. (2020). Preparing faculty for internationalization: Opportunities through teaching, research, and service. New Directions for Higher Education, 2020(192), 73-84. READ MORE
Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference: Restorative Landscapes: An Inventory of Refugee Led Urban Farming Organizations Frida Foss, Dr. Emily Skop and Dr. Cerian Gibbes.
Biermann, C., and J. Baginski. (2020). From tailwaters to urban waters: Angling and conservation on Colorado’s South Platte River. Denver and the Rocky Mountain West (ed. M. Keables). American Association of Geographers.
Derrien, Monika M., Lee K. Cerveny, and David G. Havlick. (2020). “Outdoor Programs for Veterans: Public Land Policies and Practices to Support Therapeutic Opportunities,” Journal of Forestry, doi.10.1093/jofore/fvaa023.
Diamond-Welch, Bridget & Anna E. Kosloski. (2020.) “Adverse Childhood Experiences and Propensity to Participate in the Commercialized Sex Market.” Child Abuse & Neglect, 104, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104468
Fahrner, M., & Harris, S. (2020). Trust within sport NGB boards: Association with board structure and board member characteristics. European Sport Management Quarterly, 1-20. doi:10.1080/16184742.2020.1757735
Gibbes, C., & Skop, E. (2020). The messiness of co-produced research with gatekeepers of resettled refugee communities. Journal of Cultural Geography, 37(3), 278-295. doi:10.1080/08873631.2020.1759981 PDF
Harris, D. M. & McCarthy, J. (2020). Revisiting Power and Powerlessness: Speculating West Virginia’s Energy Future and the Externalities of the Socioecological Fix. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. https://doi.org/10.1177/2514848620935751.
Harris, D. M. (2020). Expanding Climate Futures: Using Science Fiction’s Worldbuilding to Imagine a Climate-Changed Southwestern U.S. Otherwise. Literary Geographies. 6:1, 59-76.
Kim, Jinwon, Soo Mee Kim, and Stephen Cho Suh (eds.). (2020). Koreatowns: Exploring the Economics, Politics, and Identities of Korean Spatial Formations. (New York: Lexington Books).
Landon-Murray, Michael and Rick Caceres-Rodriguez. (2020). Building Research Partnerships to Bridge Gaps between Organization Scholarship and Intelligence Organizations. International Journal of Intelligence, Security, and Public Affairs, online first.
Mehta (2020) "Colouring superheroes: Hue, saturation, and value in Ms.Marvel: Kamala Khan #1 and DC’s Detective Comics Annual #12 and Batman Annual #28," Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2020.1791923. PDF
Vogt, Brandon. (2020). "Colorado’s Terrain-Tied Meteorology." In Denver and the Rocky Mountain West, ed. Michael Keables.
Witkowsky & Gibbes (under review) Preparing Faculty for Internationalization: Opportunities through Teaching, Research, and Service.
Jiménez, C. M. (2019). Making an urban public: Popular claims to the city in mexico, 1879-1932. Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburgh Press. | Award
Skop, E., Bose, P., Hackworth, J., & Kaplan, D. H. (2019). Navigating Ethnicity: Segregation, Placemaking, and Difference. The AAG Review of Books, 7(1), 68-76. | PDF
Suh, S. (2019). Racing “return”: The diasporic return of U.S.-raised korean americans in racial and ethnic perspective. Ethnic and Racial Studies, , 1-19. doi:10.1080/01419870.2019.1637531
Witkowsky, P., & Clayton, G. (2019). What makes dual enrollment work? High school counselor perspectives. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2019.1610676
Jimenez, C. (March, 2019). Urbanization and Political Change in Post-1968 Mexico,”Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies (SECOLAS), Oaxaca City, Mexico
Jimenez, C. (April, 2019). Contested Identities and Discourses of “Development” in Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies (RMCLAS). Santa Fe, NM
Mehta, S. (June, 2019). Coloring Superheroes. Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Comics. Vancouver, Canada
Mehta, S. (June, 2019). The Postsecular in Pakistani Writing in English: A Comparative Analysis of H. M. Naqvi’s Home Boy and Kamila Shamsie’s Burnt Shadows. Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies. Vancouver, Canada
Mehta, S. (July, 2019). Representation and Diversity in Graphic Novels/Comic Books, UCCS Downtown Center. University of Colorado. Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Mehta, S. (December, 2019). Framing Laura Eason’s rendition of Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days,”. ENT Center for the Arts
Suh, S. (June, 2019). Gendering ‘Return’: Examining Korean American masculinities and femininities in transnational perspective. Gender and Intergenerational Issues of Transbordering ‘Koreans’ Conference. Seoul National University, Seoul, ROK.
Suh, S. (June, 2019). Gendering ‘Return’: Examining Korean American masculinities and femininities in transnational perspective. Gender and Intergenerational Issues of Transbordering ‘Koreans’ Conference. Seoul National University, Seoul, ROK.
Suh, S. (June, 2019). Living as an Overseas Korean in South Korea: Examining the ‘Differential Inclusion’ of Korean American ‘Returnees.’” Center for the Study of Inequality and Democracy Seminar Series. Korea University, Seoul, ROK.
Suh, S. (October, 2019). 1.5/2nd-generation Korean American’s “Imagined Affective Connection” with the Ancestral Homeland.” The Research Center for Korean Community Annual Conference. New York, NY. October 2019.
Wei, Y. (April, 2019). The Real Question: The Traditional Chinese Ideas of Death. Tencent Dajia, China. Retrieved From https://dajia.qq.com/original/category/wy20190405.html
Wei, Y. (July, 2019). China’s Liberal Arts Tradition and American Higher Education. The Shanghai American Center (ShAC), US Consulate General. Shanghai, China.
Wei, Y. (July, 2019). China’s Liberal Arts Tradition and American Higher Education. The Shanghai American Center (ShAC), US Consulate General. Shanghai, China
Witkowsky, P. (2019). Approaches to preparing student affairs professionals for global career opportunities. NASPA: Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education Convention. Los Angeles, California.
Witkowsky, P. (2019). Expect the unexpected: Experiences of U.S.-trained student affairs professionals working abroad. Program presented at the 2019 NASPA: Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education International Symposium, Los Angeles, California.
Witkowsky, P. (2019). Approaches to preparing student affairs professionals for global career opportunities. Program presented at the 2019 NASPA: Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education Convention, Los Angeles, California.
Witkowsky, P., Starkey, K., Garnar, M., & Clayton, G. (2019). Academic advisors’ perspectives of dual enrollment credit. National Symposium on Student Retention. New Orleans, LA.
Witkowsky, P., Starkey, K., Garnar, M., & Clayton, G. (2019). Approaches to advising incoming students with dual enrollment credit. National Symposium on Student Retention. New Orleans, LA.
Burtner, M., Gargari, N. X., Blinkhorn, D., Chakri, S., Guo, Y. L., Whitehead, G., . . . Smith, S. C. (2018). Sound anthology: Program notes. Computer Music Journal, 42(1), 99-106. doi:10.1162/comj-e-00452
Cheney, G., & Ritz, D. (2018). Book review: Business in a changing climate: Explaining industry support for carbon pricing doi:10.1177/1350507618773392.
Cheney, G. (2018). Book review: The work of communication: Relational perspectives on working and organizing in contemporary capitalism doi:10.1177/0170840618800453.
Escasa‑Dorne, M., & Jankowiak, W. (2018). Do Women Really Desire Casual Sex? Analysis of a Popular Adult Online Dating/Liaison Site. Focality and Extension in Kinship: Essays in Memory of Harold W. Scheffler, 369-94.
Gibbes, C., Hopkins, A. L., Díaz, A. I., & Jimenez-Osornio, J. (2018). Defining and measuring sustainability: a systematic review of studies in rural Latin America and the Caribbean. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-22.
Havlick, D. G., & Ebook Central (CU). (2018). Bombs away: Militarization, conservation, and ecological restoration. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Havlick, David. 2018. Review of The Rise of the American Conservation Movement: Power, Privilege, and Environmental Protection by Dorceta E. Taylor, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016; and Escaping the Dark, Gray City:
Havlick, D. (2018). Review of The Rise of the American Conservation Movement: Power, Privilege, and Environmental Protection by Dorceta E. Taylor, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016; and Escaping the Dark, Gray City: Fear and Hope in Progressive-Era Conservation by Benjamin Heber Johnson, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2017, in American Historical Review 123(2): 596-598.
MacAulay, S. P. (2018). Ragnarök: Anthropocene University of Illinois Press.
Martínez-Dávila, R. L. (2018). Creating conversos: The carvajal-santa maría family in early modern spain. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. | PDF | Award
Mehta, S. (2018). Resistance and redefinition: Theatre of the pakistani diaspora in the UK and the US. doi:10.4324/9781315180618
Morris, P., Gibbes, C., & Jennings, S. (2018). An examination of student veteran education pathways at an American university. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 42(2), 276-292.
Wei, Y. (2018). Learning as Public Reasoning (gongyi). Confucianism Reconsidered: Insights for American and Chinese Education in the Twenty-First Century, 111-130.
Witkowsky, P., Obregon, V., Bruner, B., & Alanis, J. (2018). Connecting familismo and higher education: Influence of Spanish language parent and family member orientation programs on Latinx family involvement and sense of belonging. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/1538192718810429
Havlick, D. (October,2018). Bombs Away: Militarization, Conservation, and Ecological Restoration. Society for Ecological Restoration webinar.
Havlick, D. (October, 2018). Unnatural Succession: Rocky Flats and the Future of Conservation. University of Colorado-Boulder, Department of Geography. Boulder, CO.
Havlick, D. (November, 2018). Unnatural Succession: Rocky Flats and the Future of Conservation. Colorado School of Mines, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Division. Golden, CO
Havlick, D. (November, 2018). Unnatural Succession: Rocky Flats and the Future of Conservation. Colorado School of Mines, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Division. Golden, CO
Wei, Y. (October, 2018). A Very Brief Introduction to Chinese Education Tradition” in Tencent Dajia. Retrieved From https://dajia.qq.com/original/category/wy20181015.html
Wei, Y. (December, 2018). The Challenges and Applications of Digital Humanities. MIT International Symposium on Megadata and Information Science. Nanjing, China.
Witkowsky, P., Obregon, V., Bruner, B., & Alanis, J. (2018). Influence of bilingual parent and family orientation programs on families. American College Personnel Association. Houston, Texas.
Burtner, M., Gargari, N. X., Blinkhorn, D., Chakri, S., Guo, Y. L., Whitehead, G., . . . Smith, S. C. (2018). Sound anthology: Program notes. Computer Music Journal, 42(1), 99-106. doi:10.1162/comj-e-00452
Cheney, G., & Ritz, D. (2018). Book review: Business in a changing climate: Explaining industry support for carbon pricing doi:10.1177/1350507618773392.
Cheney, G. (2018). Book review: The work of communication: Relational perspectives on working and organizing in contemporary capitalism doi:10.1177/0170840618800453.
Escasa‑Dorne, M., & Jankowiak, W. (2018). Do Women Really Desire Casual Sex? Analysis of a Popular Adult Online Dating/Liaison Site. Focality and Extension in Kinship: Essays in Memory of Harold W. Scheffler, 369-94.
Gibbes, C., Hopkins, A. L., Díaz, A. I., & Jimenez-Osornio, J. (2018). Defining and measuring sustainability: a systematic review of studies in rural Latin America and the Caribbean. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-22.
Havlick, D. G., & Ebook Central (CU). (2018). Bombs away: Militarization, conservation, and ecological restoration. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Havlick, David. 2018. Review of The Rise of the American Conservation Movement: Power, Privilege, and Environmental Protection by Dorceta E. Taylor, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016; and Escaping the Dark, Gray City:
Havlick, D. (2018). Review of The Rise of the American Conservation Movement: Power, Privilege, and Environmental Protection by Dorceta E. Taylor, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016; and Escaping the Dark, Gray City: Fear and Hope in Progressive-Era Conservation by Benjamin Heber Johnson, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2017, in American Historical Review 123(2): 596-598.
MacAulay, S. P. (2018). Ragnarök: Anthropocene University of Illinois Press.
Martínez-Dávila, R. L. (2018). Creating conversos: The carvajal-santa maría family in early modern spain. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. | PDF | Award
Mehta, S. (2018). Resistance and redefinition: Theatre of the pakistani diaspora in the UK and the US. doi:10.4324/9781315180618
Morris, P., Gibbes, C., & Jennings, S. (2018). An examination of student veteran education pathways at an American university. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 42(2), 276-292.
Wei, Y. (2018). Learning as Public Reasoning (gongyi). Confucianism Reconsidered: Insights for American and Chinese Education in the Twenty-First Century, 111-130.
Witkowsky, P., Obregon, V., Bruner, B., & Alanis, J. (2018). Connecting familismo and higher education: Influence of Spanish language parent and family member orientation programs on Latinx family involvement and sense of belonging. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/1538192718810429
Havlick, D. (October,2018). Bombs Away: Militarization, Conservation, and Ecological Restoration. Society for Ecological Restoration webinar.
Havlick, D. (October, 2018). Unnatural Succession: Rocky Flats and the Future of Conservation. University of Colorado-Boulder, Department of Geography. Boulder, CO.
Havlick, D. (November, 2018). Unnatural Succession: Rocky Flats and the Future of Conservation. Colorado School of Mines, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Division. Golden, CO
Havlick, D. (November, 2018). Unnatural Succession: Rocky Flats and the Future of Conservation. Colorado School of Mines, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Division. Golden, CO
Wei, Y. (October, 2018). A Very Brief Introduction to Chinese Education Tradition” in Tencent Dajia. Retrieved From https://dajia.qq.com/original/category/wy20181015.html
Wei, Y. (December, 2018). The Challenges and Applications of Digital Humanities. MIT International Symposium on Megadata and Information Science. Nanjing, China.
Witkowsky, P., Obregon, V., Bruner, B., & Alanis, J. (2018). Influence of bilingual parent and family orientation programs on families. American College Personnel Association. Houston, Texas.
Armenteras, D., Gibbes, C., Anaya, J. A., & Dávalos, L. M. (2017). Integrating remotely sensed fires for predicting deforestation for REDD+. Ecological applications, 27(4), 1294-1304. | PDF
Cheney, G. (2017). Book review: Marketing ethics and society. London, England: SAGE Publications. doi:10.1177/1350507616653499. | PDF
Escasa-Dorne, M. J., Manlove, H., & Gray, P. B. (2017). Women Express a Preference for Feminized Male Faces after Giving Birth. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 3(1), 30-42. doi:10.1007/s40750-016-0048-6
Gibbes, C., Havlick, D. G., & Robb, J. R. (2017). Land use and land cover in a transitioning militarized landscape. Journal of land use science, 12(2-3), 182-196. | PDF
Havlick, D. G. (2017). review. Journal of Historical Geography, 55, 116-117. doi:10.1016/j.jhg.2016.07.007. | PDF
Havlick, D. G. (2017). Epiphany in the wilderness: Hunting, nature, and performance in the nineteenth-century american west, karen R. jones. university press of colorado, boulder (2015). 60 pages, US$55 hardcover Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.jhg.2016.07.007. | PDF
Holder, C. D., & Gibbes, C. (2017). Influence of leaf and canopy characteristics on rainfall interception and urban hydrology. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 62(2), 182-190. | PDF
Klenk, N., Fiume, A., Meehan, K., & Gibbes, C. (2017). Local knowledge in climate adaptation research: Moving knowledge frameworks from extraction to co‐production. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 8(5), e475. | Link
Mendez, S., Witkowsky, P., Allee, A., Christensen, B., & Stiles, C. (2017). Sorority Ritual Participation and Self-efficacy. Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors, 12(1), 1-19.
Morken, A., & Skop, E. (2017). Connecting Refugees in a Nontraditional Resettlement Destination: The Role of Social Institutions. Papers in Applied Geography, 3(3-4), 322-338. | PDF
Skop, E. (2017). The model minority stereotype in Arizona’s anti-immigrant climate: SB 1070 and discordant reactions from Asian Indian migrant organizations. GeoJournal, 82(3), 553-566. | PDF
Tredway, J. C., & Havlick, D. G. (2017). Assessing the potential of low-impact development techniques on runoff and streamflow in the templeton gap watershed, colorado. The Professional Geographer, 69(3), 372-382. doi:10.1080/00330124.2016.1252272. | PDF
Vogt, B. J., & Skop, E. (2017). The Silverton field experience: a model geography course for achieving high-impact educational practices (HEPs). Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 41(4), 574-589. | Link
Havlick, D. (April, 2017). Fish Stories: The Rewilding of Militarized Landscapes and Endangered Species. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Boston, MA;
Havlick, D. (April 2017). New Geographies of the American West: Rethinking/Reclaiming Public Lands. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.
Havlick, D. (June 2017). Campus Sustainability: The University of Colorado Colorado Springs and Tokoha University, Shizuoka. Shizuoka, Japan.
Jimenez, C. (January, 2017). From Registrations to Unions: Mobilizing Municipal workers, 1880-1930. Denver, Co: Conference of Latin American History Joint meeting with the American Historical Association
Jimenez, C. (February, 2017). Review of Historia de la hacienda pública en Michoacán, 1786-1951: Una historia larga. Edited by Jorge Silva Riquer. Hispanic American Research Review (HAHR) 97:1. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás
Wei, Y (June, 2017). Arts, Humanities and Sciences: The Meanings of Liberal Education. Nanjing University.
Wei, Y (June, 2017). The Image of the US in Chinese Eyes: 1840 to the present. Nanjing University.
Wei, Y (July, 2017). Anti-Fascism and the Rise of Chinese Communist Party in WWII”. International Association for Sino-Japanese War. Nanjing University.
Wei, Y (July, 2017). Medicine and History of Scholarship: Teaocangfa and Huang Zongxi’s Records of Ming Scholars. Tencent Dajia. Retrieve from https://dajia.qq.com/original/category/wy20170503.html
Wei, Y (July, 2017). Anti-Fascism and the Rise of Chinese Communist Party in WWII”. International Association for Sino-Japanese War. Nanjing University.
Wei, Y (June, 2017). Do We Need Marriage?-Ideas of Marriage in Modern China. Nanjing University. Retrieved from https://v.qq.com/x/page/q0516wvu8pt.html
Wei, Y. (June, 2017). The Enemy’s Name: Chiang Kai-shek and the Chinese Communist Party’s Anti-Fascist Discourse . 4th International Conference on Chiang Kai-shek and Modern China, Zhejiang University. Hangzhou, China.
Whitehead, G. (December, 2017) Global EcoAcoustic Project: Australia
Witkowsky, P. A., Obregon, V., Bruner, B. (2017). Influence of bilingual parent and family member orientation programs on sense of belonging and parental involvement in higher education. The Learner Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Witkowsky, P., & Clayton, G. (2017) What makes concurrent enrollment work? The impact and role of high school counselors. Program presented at the 2017 Colorado Council on High School and College Relations conference. Colorado Springs, Colorado.