Faculty Affiliates
Department of Anthropology, Yale
Lecturer, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
acassida@uccs.edu | COLU 327
M.A., University of Colorado Colorado Springs
B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University
Area of Interest: International Affairs, Urban water access
Professor of Communication
gcheney@uccs.edu | 719-255-4337 | ACAD 530
Ph.D., Purdue University (Communication)
M.A., Purdue University (Communication)
B.A., Purdue University (Communication)
Area of Interest: organizational identity, professional ethics, workplace democracy, quality of work life, globalization, human rights, peace, and sustainability.
Assistant Professor, Department of History
schrist3@uccs.edu | COLU 2049
Ph.D., Northeastern University, Boston
M.A., Northeastern University, Boston
B.A., University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Area of Interest: Modern south Asia, Global Sixties, Global South Political and Urban History, Sub-Saharan Africa, Gender and Identity.
Associate Professor of Anthropology
mchurch@uccs.edu | 719-255-3064 | CENT 124
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
M.A., University of Pennsylvania
B.A., University of Colorado at Boulder
Area of Interest: Belize, Central America, and U.S.-Mexico borderlands, focusing on archaeology of parenting and childhood.
Professor of Sociology
mcompani@uccs.edu | 719-255-4141 | ACAD 425
Ph.D., University of Arizona
M.A., University of Arizona
B.A., University of Massachusetts
Area of Interest: Cultural Survival
Associate Professor of Spanish, Department of Languages and Cultures
ecota@uccs.edu | 719-255-3817 | DW 247E
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
M.A., San Diego State University
B.A., San Diego State University
Area of Interest: Cultural and Literary Studies, U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, and Latin America
Assistant Professor of Geography
tdao@uccs.edu | 719-255-4025| COLU 2035
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Charlotte
M.Sc., University of Calgary, Canada
B.E., University of New South Wales, Australia
Area of Interest: GIScience, Spatial Analysis and Modeling, Spatial Big Data Analytics
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
mdorne@uccs.edu | 719-255-5166 | CENT 118
Ph.D., University of Nevada
M.A., California State University
B.A., University of California
Area of Interest: Human Behavioral Ecology; The Philippines
Assistant Professor of Operations Management, College of Business and Administration
yfan@uccs.edu | 719-255-5166 | DWIR 228
Ph.D., Richard Ivey School of Business
M.A., Beijing Jiaotong University
B.A., Beijing Jiaotong University
Area of Interest: Impact of Culture on Business Operations
Instructor of Marketing, College of Business
jgalle12@uccs.edu | 719 255 3741 | DWIRE 306
PsyD., University of the Rockies.
Master´s of International Management, Thunderbird School of Global Management.
B.A., Central Michigan University
Area of Interest: Organizational Development, Sales & Marketing, Cross-Cultural Negotiations.
Assistant Professor, Psychology Department
bgavett@uccs.edu | 719 255 4135 | COLU 4047
Ph.D., University of Albany, State University of New York
B.A., SUNY College at Geneseo
Area of Interest: Advanced Psychometrics, neuropsychological test validity, differential diagnosis, and clinical decision-making.
Associate Professor and Chair
pgorder@uccs.edu | (719)255-3168 | OCSE A439
Area of Interest: Dynamic systems and control, Aerospace vehicle dynamics, Engineering design
Director of the Colorado Center for Policy Studies/Professor of Economics
dgreenwo@uccs.edu | 719-255-4031 | ACAD 205
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
M.A., University of Houston
B.A., Northern Illinois University
Area of Interest: Ecological Economics; Quality of Life
Director, International Affairs
mhansen2@uccs.edu | 719-255-7528 | Copper House 9202
Ed.D., Northern Arizona University.
M.A., Alfred University.
B.A., University of Pittsburgh.
Area of Interest: International student mobility, women and leadership, strategic international enrollment management, and international student engagement.
Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies
jharner@uccs.edu | 719-255-4054 | COLU 2013
Ed.D., Arizona State University
M.A., Arizona State University
B.A., The Pennsylvania State University
Area of Interest: Urban and Cultural Geography, Mexico, GIS
Assistant Professor
dharri14@uccs.edu | (719) 255-3016 | Columbine Hall, rm. 2033
- PhD, Geography, Clark University, 2020
- MSc, Geography: Environment & Development, The London School of Economics, 2014
- BA, Political Science & Religious Studies, The University of Southern Mississippi, 2012
Area of Interest: Nature-Society Relations, Climate Change, Political Ecology, Storytelling, Environmental / Climate Justice, Cultural Geography, Experimental Research Methods, Critical Physical Geography, Environmental Humanities, Environmental Philosophy, Critical Theory
Assistant Professor in the College of Business in Marketing/Sport Management
sharris2@uccs.edu | 719-255-4310 | DWIR 313B
Ph.D., Loughborough University
M.A., University of Gloucestershire
B.A., University of North London
Area of Interest: Sport Governance and Sport Policy; Sports Marketing; International Sport for Development and Peace
Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies
dhavlick@uccs.edu | 719-255-4906 | COLU 2015
Ph.D., University of North Carolina
M.S., University of Montana
A.B., Darthmouth College
Area of Interest: Militarized Landscapes; Environmental Restoration; Germany
Director/Professor of Women's and Ethnic Studies (WEST)
aherrera@uccs.edu | 719-255-4001 | ACAD 426
Ph.D., University of Delaware
M.A., West Chester University
B.A., Saint Joseph's University
Area of Interest: Hispanic Literature and Culture
Professor and Department Chair of Geography and Environmental Studies
cholder@uccs.edu | 719-255-4097 | COLU 2037
Ph.D., Clark University
M.A., University of Georgia
B.A., Clark University
Area of Interest: Ecohydrology; Biogeography; Human-Environment Interactions; Latin America
Director, Excel Languages Center (LC)
sho@uccs.edu | 719-255-3691 | Copper House 9202
Ed.D., University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
M.A., University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
B.A., University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
Area of Interest: Communication, Leadership, Student Affairs in Higher Education, Educational Leadership, Research, and Policy.
Associate Professor of History
cjimenez@uccs.edu | 719-255-4021 | AOB 206
Ph.D., University of California
M.A., University of California
B.A., Georgetown University
Area of Interest: Latin America/Chicano History
Chair and Associate Professor of Economics
fkhan@uccs.edu | 719-255-4063 | COLU 1058
Ph.D., University of Maryland
M.S., Northeastern University
B.B.A., Georgia College and State University
Area of Interest: International trade policy, numerical general equilibrium models, economic development in South Asia
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
jkling@uccs.edu | COLU Third Floor
Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
M.A., University of Colorado-Boulder.
B.A., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
Area of Interest: Social and Political Philosophy, Normative and Applied Ethics, Feminism, Medieval Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy, Philosophy of Race.
Lecturer of Geography and Environmental Studies
ikopteva@uccs.edu | 719-255-4063 | COLU 1058
Ph.D., Saint Petersburg State University
M.S., Saint Petersburg State University
Area of Interest: Atmosphere Circulation and Its Impacts on a Global Scale
Assistant Professor & BACJ Director, School of Public Affairs
akoslosk@uccs.edu | (719) 255-4044 | ACAD 308
Ph.D., Iowa State University.
M.S., Iowa State University.
B.A., University of Minnesota, Morris.
Area of Interest: Intersections of gender, class, race and crime, Corrections and Mental Health (antisocial behavior, program evaluation, and policy intervention), Human Trafficking (perspectives, demand, responses to, and intersections of race, class, gender), Teaching and Learning.
Assistant Professor of School of Public Affairs
mlandonm@uccs.edu | 719-255-4185 | ACAD 312
Ph.D., University of Albany
M.A., University of Pittsburgh
B.A., University of Buffalo
Area of Interest: Homeland Security; Security Education
Professor of Department of English
rlaroche@uccs.edu | 719-255-4035 | COLU 1051
Ph.D., Yale University
B.A., Bates College
Area of Interest: Historical Recipes from Germany, England, Canada, and US
Lecturer in the College of Business
dlee4@uccs.edu | 719-964-4607 | DWIR 102
Instructor in the Department of Philosophy
clewis5@uccs.edu | COLU 4055
M.Phil., University of Hong Kong
B.A., Duke University
Area of Interest: Chinese philosophy, moral education, moral psychology, ethics (broadly construed), philosophy of biology, applied philosophy
Public Anthropology Fellow, Sapiens Magazin
Professor and Chair of Visual and Performing Arts
smacaula@uccs.edu | 719-255-3865 | COLU 2001
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
M.A., University of Colorado
B.A., University of Minnesota
Area of Interest: Art History and Folklore
Associate Professor of English
kmack@uccs.edu | 719-255-4045 | COLU 1043
Ph.D., University of California, Irvine
M.A., University of California, Irvine
B.A., Columbia University
Area of Interest: Cultural Rhetorics of Contemporary South Africa
Assistant Professor of History
rmartin8@uccs.edu | 719-255-4070 | COLU 2053
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
M.P.P., University of California-Berkeley
B.A., University of Texas at Austin
Area of Interest: Jews, Catholics, and Converses in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain and the Americas; Late Modern Europe
smehta2@uccs.edu | (719) 255-4006 | COLU 1045
Department Chair, Associate Professor with Tenure, Leadership, Research, and Foundations (LRF) College of Education
sylvia.martinez@uccs.edu | 719-255-3476 | COLU 3057
Ph.D., University of Kansas
M.S., Colorado State University
B.A., Washington State University
Area of Interest: Study Abroad Programs
Associate Professor of Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences
nmeyer2@uccs.edu | 719-255-3760 | UHAL 308
Ph.D., University of Utah
M.S., Arizona State University
B.S., University of Wyoming
Area of Interest: Food Systems; Health; Sustainability
Assistant Professor, College of Education
rmitchel@uccs.edu | (719) 255-3405 | COLU 1045
Ph.D., Global Education The Ohio State University.
M.A., History Northeastern University.
B.S., Journalism University of Colorado Boulder.
Area of Interest: Middle Eastern education, Rural Education, State-level education policy.
Associate Professor of Sociology
jmontezd@uccs.edu | 719-255-4138 | ACAD 431
Ph.D., University of Southern California
M.A., New York University
B.A., University of California at Berkeley
Area of Interest: Social Theory; Social Inequalities; Urban Food Security; Film and Media Studies; American Indian Boarding Schools
Assistant Research Professor, Central State University
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
B.S. University of Florida
Executive Director of School of Public Affairs- Center for Human Security (CHS)
srecca2@uccs.edu | 719-640-4346 | ACAD 321
M.A., Naval Postgraduate School and University of Zurich
B.S., U.S. Naval Academy
Area of Interest: Intelligence and International Security Policy
Assistant Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
jrigler@uccs.edu | 719-255-5144| UHAL 232
Ph.D., University of California at San Diego
M.A., University of California at San Diego
B.M., Northwestern University
Area of Interest: Improvisation, Composition, Flute
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
trobins3@uccs.edu | 719-255-3125 | CENT 120
Ph.D., University of Oregon
MSc., University of Oregon
BA, Marquette University
Area of Interest: Hygiene Hypothesis, Disappearing Microbiota Hypothesis, Evolutionary Medicine
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
jscholes@uccs.edu | 719-255-4090 | COLU 4057
Ph.D., University of Denver
M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary
B.A., Baylor University
Area of Interest: Religion, Theology, and Popular Culture
Professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training in Psychology
dsegal@uccs.edu | 719-255-4176 | COLU 4015
Ph.D., University of Miami
B.S., Tulane University
Area of Interest: Mental Health and Aging
Instructor of English/ Lecturer of Geography and Environmental Studies
msiebert@uccs.edu | COLU 1036
M.A., University of Colorado Colorado Springs
B.A., University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Area of Interest: Critical Geopolitics and Radical Geography/ Ecocomposition and Place-Based Literature
Professor of Computer Science
ssemwal@uccs.edu | (719) 255-3545 | ENGR 180
Ph.D., University of Central Florida
M.S., University of Alberta
B.E., University of Roorkee, India.
Area of Interest: computer graphics, wearable computing and virtual reality, computer-human interaction, medical applications, human animation and avatars, and volume Rendering and Visualization, Realistic Images, Ray Tracing, computational geometry
Assistant Professor of Sociology
hsmith3@uccs.edu | 719-255-3128 | ACAD 415
Ph.D., Arizona State University
M.S., Arizona State University
B.S., Texas Christian University
Area of Interest: Youth Homelessness, Violence Against Girls and Women; The Role of Race/Ethnicity and Gender in Juvenile Court Processes; The Sociology of Drugs; Deviance.
Associate Professor of Anthropology
ksmith5@uccs.edu | 719-255-3555 | CENT 126
Ph.D., University of Chicago
M.A., University of Chicago
A.B., Princeton University
Area of Interest: Archaeology and Applied Anthropology in Ecuador and Peru
Instructor-Bachelor of Innovation/Co-Director of BI Program College of Business
cstiles@uccs.edu | 719-255-5180 | ULR 104
Ph.D., University of Colorado Colorado Springs
M.A., Wake Forest University
B.A., University of Minnesota
Area of Interest: Collaborations with Education, Corporate, and Nonprofit Sectors with Leadership Teams and Business
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
ssuh@uccs.edu | 719) 255-4127 | ACAD 416
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Sociology.
M.A., University of Minnesota, Sociology.
B.A., University of California – San Diego.
Area of Interest: Intersection of race, ethnicity, gender, migration, and identity, especially in relation to Asian Americans and the Korean diaspora.
Research Assistant Professor of Natural Product, Central State University
Areas of Interest: Genetics and Biochemistry of Cannabis Use
Assistant Professor
ntapiafu@uccs.edu | 719-255-5941 | COLU 3043
- Ph.D. in Higher Education, University of North Texas, 2020
- Graduate Certificate in Community College Leadership, University of North Texas, 2020
- M.Ed. in Student Affairs in Higher Education, Texas State University, 2013
- Bachelor’s of Interdisciplinary Studies (Concentration: Social Justice), University of New Orleans, 2010
Assistant Professor Research, Geography and Environmental Studies, Adjoint Coordinator Colorado Geographic Alliance
rtheobal@uccs.edu | 719-255-5217 | COLU 2024
Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder
M.A., University of Colorado Boulder
B.A., Middlebury College
Area of Interest: Global Systems of Education
Assistant Professor, WEST
jtorre14@uccs.edu | (719) 255-5147 | ACAD 408
- Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Anthropology
- M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University, Anthropology and Education
- B.A., Villanova University, English
Assistant Professor
ntuaone@uccs.edu | (719) 255-4117 | ACAD 409
- Ph.D., British and American Literature, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 2020
- M.A. English Literature, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, 2012 Certificate, Women’s Studies
- Honors B.S. Gender Studies, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 2006 Minor, Philosophy
Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies
bvogt@uccs.edu | 719-255-5146 | COLU 2011
Ph.D., Arizona State University
M.A., Arizona State University
B.A., University of Missouri
Area of Interest: Lightning/Landscape interactions, Geomorphology, GIS
Professor of Languages and Cultures Department, Director/Professor of Visual and Performing Arts - Film Studies
rvondass@uccs.edu | 719-255-3562 | DWIR 247B
Ph.D., University of California
M.A., University of California
B.A., University of California
Area of Interest: Film Theory; International Film
kwarner@uccs.edu | 719-255-3203 | MAIN 318
Ph.D., University of California
M.A. in Sociology, University of California
M.A. in Planning and Community Development, University of Colorado at Denver
B.A., Haverford College
Area of Interest: Urban Sociology; Chicano Community; Globalization and Development
ywei@uccs.edu | 719-255-8103 | COLU 1009
Ph.D., Harvard University
M.A., University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
B.A., Nanjing University
Area of Interest: Classical thought in early China to political history of the People's Republic of China with a focus on the late imperial period (the Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1911)
Associate Professor and Director of Visual and Performing Arts- Music
gwhitehe@uccs.edu | 719-255-5134 | UHAL 230
D.M.A., University of California, San Diego
M.A., University of California, San Diego
B.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music
Area of Interest: Creative Music Rendering with Inter Arts and Multimedia Applications
Instructor/Coordinator of Student Affairs in Higher Education Program
pwitkows@uccs.edu | 719-255-4339 | COLU 3042
Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado
M.A., University of Maryland
B.A., Occidental College
Area of Interest: Intercultural Competence of Study Abroad Experiences in Students
Assistant Professor of History and Women's and Ethnic Studies
cwoodall@uccs.edu | 719-255-3768 | COLU 2045
Ph.D., New York University
M.A., Bosphorus University
B.A., Southwestern University
Area of Interest: Modern Middle East History